Erich Graf and Ricken Nobis edit Flute Masterworks
YANCEY--CANINE STAR (1980-1988)--photo by Mary Dickson. Alaskan Malamute, loyal companion and counter-tenor extraordinaire!
MAESTRO, CANINE STAR (1988-2002)--photo by Erich Graf. If you'd like to donate to "The Maestro and Ibert Fund" for emergency care for canines at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, here's how to do it: Draft a check (tax-deductible) payable to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary with “Maestro and Ibert Fund” in the bottom left of the check (or include a note saying the money is for that purpose.) Send the check to: BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SANCTUARY/ ATT’N: Planned Giving/ 5001 Angel Canyon Drive/ Kanab, UT 84741-5001--Maestro, Ibert and I thank you profoundly.
IBERT--CANINE STAR (July 2002-October 2011). Photo by Erich Graf. Please see information above to donate to the MAESTRO AND IBERT FUND.
ABU (Anywhere But Utah) adopted 5/12/2012) before his AM walk on the beach
ABU after his AM walk on the beach
ABU harmonizes to "Whistler and his Dog"

Neighbor on our patio engrossed in my memoirs